Tong Li

Tong Li    

Research Assistant Professor
Department of Electronic Engineering
Tsinghua University

Office: Rohm Building 8-201
Phone: (+86) 15073197902

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About Me

Tong Li is a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering at Tsinghua University, affiliated with the Future Intelligence Laboratory (FIB-Lab). He was a postdoctoral scholar at Tsinghua University, advised by Prof. Yong Li. Tong Li obtained dual PhDs in computer science from the University of Helsinki in 2022 and in computer science and engineering from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2021, co-advised by Prof. Pan Hui and Prof. Sasu Tarkoma. Tong Li has an extensive publication record, with over 60 papers published in renowned journals and conferences such as Nature Sustainability, KDD, WWW, CoNEXT, UbiComp, Proceedings of the IEEE, TMC, TKDE, and TKDD. Dr. Li is actively involved in the academic community and serves as a program committee member of KDD, AAAI, IJCAI, etc. His research interests include wireless network digital twins, network simulation and optimization, and mobile computing.

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I am seeking self-motivated interns (undergraduate or graduate) and collaborators to conduct research on network digital twins, network data mining, network simulation and optimization, mobile computing, and more. Opportunities are available both remotely and at Tsinghua University. Our interns have a strong record of publishing first-author papers in CCF-A conferences and journals. Additionally, our team is actively hiring Postdocs, PhD, and Master's students. If you are interested, please contact me via email.



Honors and Awards








More Publications


  • Quadmetric Optimized Thumb-to-Finger Interaction for Force Assisted One-Handed Text Entry on Mobile Headsets.
    Lik Hang LEE, Kit Yung Lam, Tong Li, Tristan Braud, Xiang Su, and Pan Hui.
    In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (UbiComp), 2019.
  • A Decomposition Approach for Urban Anomaly Detection Across Spatiotemporal Data.
    Mingyang Zhang*, Tong Li*, Hongzhi Shi, Yong Li, and Pan Hui.
    In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2019.
  • Data Collection and Node Counting by Opportunistic Communication.
    Tong Li, Sylvia T. Kouyoumdjieva, Gunnar Karlsson, and Pan Hui.
    In Proceedings of the 2019 IFIP Networking Conference (Networking), 2019.
  • Driving Big Data: A First Look at Driving Behavior Via a Large-scale Private Car Dataset.
    Tong Li, Ahmad Alhilal, Anlan Zhang, Mohammad A. Hoque, Zhu Xiao, Dimitris Chatzopoulos, Yong Li, and Pan Hui.
    In Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE 35th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW), 2019.


  • Blockchain-Based Data Sharing System for AI-Powered Network Operations.
    Guozhen Zhang, Tong Li, Yong Li, Pan Hui, and Depeng Jin.
    Journal of Communications and Information Networks, 2018.


  • On Enhancing Energy Efficiency via Elastic Cell-zooming Algorithm in Three-tier Heterogeneous Wireless Networks.
    Zhu Xiao, Shuangchun Li, Tong Li, Dong Wang.
    In Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications, 2017.


  • Apollonius Circles based Outbound Handover in Macro-small Wireless Cellular Networks.
    Zhu Xiao, Shuangchun Li, Tong Li, Dong Wang.
    In Proceedings of IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2016.
  • Analytical Study on Multi-tier 5G Heterogeneous Small Cell Networks: Coverage Performance and Energy Efficiency.
    Zhu Xiao, Hongjing Liu, Vincent Havyarimana, Tong Li, Dong Wang.
    Sensors, 2016.
  • Dynamic PCI Allocation on Avoiding Handover Confusion via Cell Status Prediction in LTE Heterogeneous Small Cell Networks.
    Zhu Xiao, Tong Li, Wei Ding, Dong Wang, Jie Zhang.
    Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2016.
  • Resource Allocation via Hierarchical Clustering in Dense Small Cell Networks: A Correlated Equilibrium Approach.
    Zhu Xiao, Jianzhi Yu, Tong Li, Zhiyang Xiang, Dong Wang, Wenjie Chen.
    In Proceedings of the IEEE 27th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2016.
  • On Mitigating Interference under Device-to-device Communication in Macro-small Cell Networks.
    Wenjie Chen, Tong Li, Zhu Xiao, Dong Wang.
    In Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS), 2016.
  • A Nonlinear Framework of Delayed Particle Smoothing Method for Vehicle Localization under Non-Gaussian Environment.
    Zhu Xiao, Vincent Havyarimana, Tong Li, Dong Wang.
    Sensors, 2016.
  • Performance Analysis of Co-and Cross-tier Device-to-Device Communication Underlaying Macro-small Cell Wireless Networks.
    Tong Li, Zhu Xiao, Hassana Maigary Georges, Zhinian Luo, Dong Wang.
    KSII Transactions on Internet & Information Systems, 2016.


Professional Activities

Journal Editorship:

Program Committee Member:

Journal Reviewer:

